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Diagnostic Wax-up

Selling your patients on improving their smiles is sometimes a hard sale. Even though you may envision the results in your mind, it doesn't mean the patient can. Diagnostic wax-ups can be and have been the closing component in a full mouth reconstructive case. 

Dentists can use them to make the connection and change people's lives with a new smile. Wax-ups are used for smiles and in case planning when considering bites, excursions, and angles. Our full service dental laboratory pour up white stone models and design them with wax to help patients and doctors see future potentials.

Types of Diagnostic Wax-up

Diagnostic Wax-up (Non-Prep)

A basic diagnostic digital wax up helps in analyzing the whole restorative procedure. Dentists perform waxing on deficient areas to give necessary gingival visual. The diagnostic crown wax up is a standard tool found in the dental lab used in study records with the laboratory technicians.

Diagnostic Wax-up Crown Preparation

Diagnostic wax-up serves as a blueprint for the fabrication of the restoration and as a tool to review tooth shape, smile line, occlusion or vertical dimension. A diagnostic crown wax up can be a valuable communication tool for patients, dentists and laboratory technicians before treatment.

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FAQs of Diagnostic Wax-up

Q What is a Diagnostic Wax-up?


Diagnostic wax up is making of intended restorative on dental casts for evaluation and planning final restorations, a wax replica of a proposed treatment plan. The diagnostic wax up is a method that can be used for single tooth implant, crowns, bridges or veneers. This method is especially important when cosmetic dentistry is planned. In this cases it is very important to do a diagnostic wax-up to help determine the eventual appearance and aesthetic result after treatment is performed.

Q What is the purpose of a Diagnostic Wax-up?


1) It provides proper diagnosis for the treatment

With a diagnostic crown wax up procedure, diagnosis for the right treatment to be done will be flawless. The wax-up assists to see the amount of restorative space in your teeth that will indicate the exact arch to be able to fix that space. It also tells what treatment is needed, or if it's necessary for a surgery.

2) Better visualization for dentists

Since the dental wax-up is going to be molded into the exact shape of your mouth and your dentures, this will give your dentist a better view of what they'll be working on.

3) It ensures superior fit 

With a wax-up model perfectly molded into your own mouth, fittings will be more accurate than ever. The molded wax-up will serve as a tool that your dentist can use in modifying your dental implants.

4) It serves as a mockup of the desired results

If you're having second thoughts on a treatment, a mockup will guide you better and make you feel more at ease. Your dentist will rely on it too, to better explain what your teeth conditions are and what they can do to correct it.

Q How is a Diagnostic Wax-up performed?


The diagnostic wax-up is done by using a cast to get the actual mold of your teeth. The set of your own teeth will be molded into a wax figure, hence the diagnostic wax up. This procedure helps dentists to see your teeth better and make better judgement on treatment.